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Add account system

An account system has been added, which allows you to purchase subscriptions to gpt-4 and gpt-3.5-pro. For details, see: account system

Support the gpt-4 model

The gpt-4 model is supported. The specific rules are as follows:

  • Default account: gpt-4 models is unavailable.
  • Registered account (free): can use gpt-4 models with rate limited.
  • Registered account (subscribed to gpt-4): can use gpt-4 models freely.

Click 'Tab' to quick input(#271)

In this version, when the ToolWindow gets the focus, clicking on the Tab key allows you to quickly type in the text area, eliminating the need to click with the mouse in order to type.


  • The copied code is formatted incorrectly(#269)