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Whichever Tab you want to use, just only need the configure for this Tab, don't care about the other Tabs.

Using ChatGPT

If you want to use ChatGPT, you need to configure OpenAI - ChatGPT related settings, see ChatGPT settings.

Using GPT-3.5-Turbo

To use GPT-3.5-Turbo, you need to configure OpenAI - GPT 3.5 Turbo related settings, see GPT 3.5 Turbo settings.

Using Online ChatGPT

No special settings are needed, you can use it directly after opening.

Configuration completed

Once the configuration is complete, you can enter anything in the text area and click the Enter or Send button to start asking questions.

If it takes a long time to generate the text, you can also click Stop to stop the current content generation.


When we want to end the current chat and start a new one, we can create a new one by clicking on New Chat in the upper left corner.

The ability to create a new chat is integrated into the conversation management feature.

Conversation Management (ChatGPT and GPT-3.5-Turbo only)

This is a major update that adds conversation management functionality.

Conversation Manager.png

Add a conversation

Add a conversation. Click on the menu bar + to create a new conversation.

Add Conversation.png

Edit Conversation

Preferably select a conversation. Click on the menu bar to change the title of the conversation.

Edit Conversation.png

Deleting a conversation

Preferably select a conversation. Click on the menu bar to delete a conversation.

Remove Conversation.png


If you are using ChatGPT, it is synchronized with the chat logs on the official website, and if you delete it, then the chat logs on the official website will be deleted as well. Please make sure to pay attention to this point.

For GPT-3.5-Turbo, it only deletes your local data, it will not affect the official website.

Refreshing a conversation

Click on the menu bar to refresh the current conversation.

Refresh Conversation.png

Loading more conversations

Click on the menu bar's to load more conversations in a pagination.

Load More Conversations.png

Exporting Conversations

Select one or more conversations and click to export the selected conversation or all conversations.

Export Conversations.png

When the export is successful, you will be alerted and can open the exported folder directly.

Export Success.png

The exported file is as follows, in Markdown format.

Exported Files.png

History conversation context support

The plugin also supports history conversations, cut back to any history conversation and you can continue the Q&A. Support history context.

Support for asking questions in multiple editors

The plugin also supports asking questions in multiple editors or Console areas by selecting text directly. There is no need to manually copy and paste the relevant content into the input box. Once selected, the question can be asked directly.

Asking questions in code editor

When writing code, if you encounter some problems, you can directly select the code to ask a question.

Exported Files.png

Asking questions in the VCS comparison editor

When we use git to query file history changes, if we encounter more complex code. You can ask questions directly in the file comparison editor.

Exported Files.png

Ask a question when merging VCS code

It is also easy to use AI to help us resolve conflicts when we merge codes that have conflicts.


Ask a question in the Run/Debug window

The program is running, if you encounter an error, you can directly select the relevant code. Ask a question directly.

Exported Files.png